For some time I've been having this interesting arguement with Dimo. I claim I study at the FMCS(Faculty of Maths and Computer Science.... Not FMI - Faculty of Maths and Informatics), and not in the Sofia University (SU). He says that I make no sense, cause since I study at a faculty of the SU, that means I study at the SU....
Now, how I am to convince him he is wrong?
It turned out (just as I expected) to be quite easy. Unfortunatelly, people who don't study at the FMCS wouldn't quite get my reasonings.
Lets' start with the fact that in FMCS it is a common practice that students teach students. Students that are in their 2nd year teach students that are in their 3rd year. Students in their 2nd year teach a subject, the exam on which they have not yet taken (due to their regular curriculum) to students that are in their 3rd year. I personally don't know if that is allowed anyplace else in SU. Not sure, but I even think it is forbidden.
Let's move on to something else, that I was pointed out during the campaign of getting yourself a room in SU's dorms (actually getting yourself a bed, but that's a whole another matter). It doesn't matter what your grades are, you cannot be in the lists of people that get a room, if you have more than one exam not taken. Which, I looked upn pretty surprised, since in my faculty you are perfectly fine allowed to move on to the next year of your education if you have no more than 2 exams not taken so far... So, I looked up the UNIVERSITY's book of rules and I saw that this rule (of my faculty) is in a direct conflict with the major rules of the university - the university's rules are as simple as this - only one exam. So, you still say I have the right to call myself a student in SU? (well, I AM, but anyway...)
And it gets even more complicated, cause by a (non written) rule you have the right to have two "mandatory" subjects not taken so far and one of the "chose yourself" list.... So we have not one, but three subjects.... Nice!
Our univerity's dean says that everyone has to return the exam sheets not later than 3 days after the exam session is over. Nice. This is prefectly working in his faculty, where there are 5 subjects to chose from for the whole faculty. And is so not working in FMCS, where there are 150 subjects to choose from (each semester that is!) and (almost) everyone can sign in for them... And everyone is - 5 majors, each having students of years 1 through 4, with average of 4 groups each (major) of about 20 people in a group. Now, try to make the schedules of those exams so that everyone could attend their exam and none has exams at the same time (I am not even trying to put the rule "one exam per day") and you only have 20 days to fit in (during the exams session)... Don't even try - it is impossible. And it is impossible not to have a subject before/after the exam session.
I can go on forever. Really.
As a most recent prove:
(in Bulgarian, sorry): In the meantime, all of the university's buildings had the signs with the words "Stealing from the University is a disgrace for Bulgaria." on them in the morning.
Now look at the pictures and don't be fooled by the words on top of my faculty:
In front of FMCS there is no such sign. :)
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