Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Depeche Mode

It's mid-August. Every year by the time mid-August knocks on my door, three things are due to happen:

1) I am feeling sad, cause the summer is about to be over.

I wish for a white Christmas, like the ones I used to know.....
... I want it to be cold, snowing... And I want a Christmas tree, preferebly with a cat that plays with the toys :)

3) I want to be home alone in my dorm and organize a Depeche Mode party for all my friends.

.... And when I say every year, I mean.... every year well, Numero 3 only for the last 3 years, but it still counts. Usiually on point 1 I am totally helpless and as a result for a few days I am as gloom as a thunder cloud and impossible to talk to. Point two leaves me clueless too - I'd often find myself with a bunch of old magazines with beautiful Christmas tree suggestions, and tons of promises to myself along the lines of "next Christmas will be REALLY pretty"... Needless to say those promises last until mid-September.

Number three is more complicated. Usually what I can do is wait till I go back to my dorm (meaning mid-October) and organize that party myself. It hasn't been done so far, mostly because although my friends listen to Depeche Mode, most of them don't know more than 10 of their songs. And usually like about 3 or 4.... *blargh*

And it's about time I got all three. Including the "Depeche Mode" mood. The worst is I just saw that there will be a Depeche party in a local club. It is bad, because most of my friends won't be in town at that time, and whoever is in town.... well, let's just say I don't have any hopes anyone would come with me on that party.
I bet I'll just get a bottle of rum and just listen to Depeche Mode at home, which is like 0,00000000000...00000000001-th of what I actually want to do.

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